• Villa No. 1522, Road 2733 Block 327, Adliya, Bahrain

Nursery (3-4 ages)

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  • Nursery (3-4 ages)

In nursery years, academic knowledge is introduced in a developmentally appropriate and play-based manner. While the focus isn't solely on traditional academic subjects like reading, writing, and mathematics, nursery education lays the foundation for future learning by nurturing various skills and concepts:

Early Literacy

Pre-Reading Skills

Introducing letters, sounds, and phonemic awareness through storytelling, rhymes, and exposure to books.

Language Development

Building vocabulary, understanding basic sentence structures, and encouraging communication through conversations and language-rich activities.


Basic Counting and Number Recognition

Introducing numbers through counting games, songs, and activities to develop number awareness.

Shapes, Patterns, and Sorting

Exploring shapes, patterns, and categorization through play-based activities and manipulatives.

Explore the world

Nature Studies

Observing and exploring the natural world, learning about plants, animals, and the environment through sensory experiences and simple experiments.

Basic Scientific Concepts

Introducing concepts like cause and effect, observation, and experimentation through hands-on activities.

Arts & Crafts


Artistic Expression

  • Encouraging creativity through various art mediums like drawing, painting, sculpting, and crafting.

Music & Movement

  • Exploring rhythm, music, and movement to foster creativity and coordination.

Social & Emotional Development


Social Skills

  • Promoting interaction, sharing, turn-taking, and cooperation through group activities and play.

Emotional Awareness

  • Supporting emotional development, empathy, and self-regulation through discussions and activities addressing feelings.

Physical Development

Gross Motor Skills

Engaging in physical activities that promote coordination, balance, and large muscle development through games, running, and climbing.

Fine Motor Skills

Developing dexterity and hand-eye coordination through activities like threading, puzzles, and manipulating small objects.