• Villa No. 1522, Road 2733 Block 327, Adliya, Bahrain

Reception (4-5 ages)

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  • Reception (4-5 ages)

In the Reception year, children continue to build upon the foundational skills introduced in nursery while gradually delving into more structured learning experiences. The curriculum in Reception is designed to further develop academic knowledge while maintaining a play-based and experiential approach:

Communication, Language and Literacy Development:


Reading Readiness

  • Building on pre-reading skills by introducing sight words, simple sentences, and basic reading strategies.

Phonics Instruction

  • Beginning phonics lessons to decode and blend sounds, forming simple words.


Number Sense

Expanding number recognition, counting in sequence, and introducing basic addition and subtraction concepts.

Shape, Space, and Measurement

Exploring shapes, sizes, comparisons, and basic measurement concepts through hands-on activities.

Understanding the World


Basic Scientific Inquiry

  • Encouraging curiosity through simple experiments, observations, and discussions about the natural world.

Understanding the Environment

  • Exploring topics like weather, seasons, living things, and their habitats.

Expressive Arts and Design

Further developing creative skills through various art forms, encouraging self-expression and imagination.

Exploring rhythm, role-play, and creative movement to enhance expression and coordination.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

  • Building Relationships: Encouraging social skills, teamwork, cooperation, and empathy through group activities and collaborative play.
  • Emotional Regulation: Supporting emotional awareness, understanding feelings, and strategies for managing emotions.

Physical Development

In Reception, the curriculum continues to foster a balanced approach that intertwines academic knowledge with social, emotional, and physical development. Learning experiences remain interactive, hands-on, and play-oriented, allowing children to explore and consolidate their emerging academic skills in a supportive and engaging environment. The goal is to provide a strong foundation for future learning while nurturing a love for discovery and exploration.